#5: Life Begins at Podcast
Yes, there's a title. Pay no attention. This is a classic Jay ramble on a trip down memory lane. It may be therapy.
#4: Apple House Podcast
Gary took a 'senior' cognitive test (like Trump). Aced it. Had to remember the words Apple, House, Table. Changed it for promotional purposes. Otherwise, it's our typical Jay and Gary Show ramble.
Toward the end of the show, you may notice some odd silence as Gary tries to play a few seconds of Donald Fagan's "The Nightfly", which explains the why he always says "at the foot of Mt. Belzoni" (on every show he hosts, not just this one). Apparently, Donal Fagan's music company doesn't just monetize videos that play his music - they go for a full takedown (worldwide, not just Russia Russia Russia, although another clip we play does get us banned in Russia. So much for the Ruski audience). We're trying YouTube's beta feature that mutes just the music, and leaves our voice. We'll see if that worked.
Our website is: www.PearceBrothersPodcasting.com
#3: Banned in Russia
Last week's show was banned in Russia. This week's will probably be banned everywhere because we play too much copyrighted material. Can we claim Fair Use?